
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

back to the old school..

with me new job, it means i had to get to work in a different way. my new journey requires me to walk past a kindergarten at the next block. how nice and colourful kindgartens look nowadays, compared to the one i used to go.

back in those days, it was just a dark classroom with little else. i remember my favourite item was this A-stand, with paper clipped on it. Beside it are diluted water colour, so diluted that you can barely see any colour on it. And yet, i still bring home every proud art work of mine in the past.

gone are also old rusty windows where parents can look into. now, they are replaced by nice windows, and attached to it are curtains. so that the kids wont be distracted by whatever's happening outside. i still remember, when i was little, i went with my older cousin to her first day at kindergarten. she cried the whole week and i cannot figure out why is that so. soon.. my turn came, well.. i think i gave her a run for her money in terms of duration i spent crying on my first few days in school. sigh.. what a baby..

kindergarten was such stressless days. looking forward to the yummy fish porridge, to the macdonald's birthday party one of the more well off kid's parents organized, looking forward to go home with 3 stars for assignment. maybe, just maybe i'll go back to the kindergarten some day. (not as a student of course..)


  1. hello!

    i think i accidentally did something like follow your blog but have no idea how that works or how to undo it! might be a good thing tho! keep blogging though it's quite entertaining! let's see how long u can keep this up, haha

    beware of teaching kids these days....! they are NOT the innocent creatures you used to know anymore... but yeah i kinda miss the carefree days too. no more no more...

    and what was wrong with the old blog?


  2. hahaha.. nvm.. follower is good! then my blog wont seem so loser... hahaha...

    nothing very wrong with the old blog.. but blogger has nice and more colourful templates to download.. hahaha.. need something bright and funny..
