
Thursday, September 8, 2011

home alone!

a child in a family of 4 boys and 2 not too highly educated parents, growing up in my family has always been one more of basic than luxury. back in the younger days, im pretty sure many other families are like that too. nowadays, it seems like this is no longer a trend. a look around and i see kids whose every school holidays takes place in at least other country, some even more than one. i know of a 2 year old baby who has taken the plane more often than my mum and dad combined.

i ask myself do i envy these kids' life? that they can probably get whatever they ask for.. a smartphone.. a personal computer.. a trip to faraway USA.. a ipod touch.. this and that.. sure its nice to have those things.. but to be honest.. i do not envy their lives.. not a little bit.. i see them.. many of them.. soon turn to be "me" people.. people that thinks that things happen for them, and they do not work for them.. "i deserve better and hence im going to somewhere where it is all better".. i dont know how these people sleep at night.. such self centeredness will probably keep me awake at night for a long long time..

anyway, that is not the topic of this post. so.. i have been home alone (with one other brother) for the past week, for like the first time in my life.. my parents finally decided to take a long overdue trip together.. but i must say their luck is pretty bad, having their 2 different flights delayed due to the typhoon in japan. thank God the typhoon was away from where they were so i guess it is nice that they get to be away, away from the worries and stress.

this week has really given me a good experience of life on my own.. chores to take care of.. things such as closing the windows when i leave the house.. clearing the rubbish, boiling water, washing clothes, cooking dinner.. one day, some day, i'll live under a roof owned by me.. a life that isnt just about relaxing after work.. a life where other chores will need to be taken care of..

when that day comes, hopefully ill rise up to the occasion..


  1. excuse me, have you NEVER had to clear the trash and close the windows?!?! tsk!

    hope you parents have a good time though - certainly well-deserved!!! i do share your sentiments btw.

  2. of course i did! but you know, if i dont do, there's always my mum.. haha.. but i must say i dont do enough chores at home...

    yup.. sounded like they had a good time!

    hahaha.. can you like hurry come back and get married?! i havent seen you or hear from u in gazillion years

  3. tsk sebas!

    yes u havent heard from me because i'm drowning in a million and one things, but will be back this weekend!!! :)

  4. oh well.. dont think you'll be much less drowning when u get back.. wedding's a lot of work... or so i assume.. haha...

    see you soon!
