
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2 things i dont understand

having attain a super fast and efficient method of stamping vouchers, i am able to stamp the company's logo on the vouchers without having to look at what im doing. being a brainless task, i decided to read stuff on the net while stamping away.
3 things struck me that i dont understand:

1) i dont understand why anyone would want to tatoo themselves
- why do people get them in the first place? are their character so boring that they need to imprint something on them to make them appear to be cool and unique? are they so ordinary that this is the only way they can differentiate themselves? i heard some people say that it is a form of art, but would they like allow a painter to paint something on them instead then? i really wonder what goes through their decision making process when they decide to get a tatoo

2) i dont understand why people need to use expletive, esp that 4 letter word that starts with F.
- what purpose does usage of them serve? what does "f****** angry" convey that a "very angry" cannot serve? is one so vocabularyly-challenged that only those words can convey their feelings? are people so angsty and ranty that they rather portray themselves in such a immature light just to bring across their anger? (i mean like, does anyone ever look more mature because of their usage of such language?) does it make one cooler if they show off their extensive vocabulary of expletives? for a short period in my life, i have to say i once use them occasionally.. but looking back, i can only wonder why did i do so? it served no purpose, it meant nothing, and it is just a blot of embarassment of how immature i once was.

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