
Saturday, July 28, 2012

death of conversation?

so i was at one of the restaurant, waiting for an opportunity to carry out the surveys i need to do. observing the different tables, it's just a pity that people eat together and yet, they dont talk to each other anymore.

a middle age couple with their teenage son, barely a word shared between the two parents, not a word from the son. kinda reminds me of someone else at that age group.

an elderly couple, enjoying the food, maybe so much that not a word was shared during the meal.

another couple was engaging in conversation, their teenage daughter fished out her phone and spent the entire meal staring at it.

it seems like we are entering an era whereby people don't bother talking to one another anymore. i certainly had my fair share of experience. eating with people that dont bother contributing to a conversation, with people that prefers spending time with the phone or some other activity.

why do they bother meeting up at all? isnt meeting up about spending time with the person you are with?

saying this, it was nice to see groups still enjoying the company they are with. a dad and toddler chatting happily, two male colleagues sharing a lot of laughters.

well, i do suppose it isnt all hopeless just yet..

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