
Thursday, September 13, 2012

who doesnt put up a show?

so they came and left. having only really know who they are during my trip in june, i thought that the rest of singapore's knowledge of the royal couple was as limited as mine (except for carol who is like their biggest fan, but she works in the uk so its not a fair gauge). turned out that there was a big group of people who were following them excitedly over their 3 days here.

one picture that has been going around the social media was a shot of a housing estate with the usual fitness area and open area. a picture showed that other than the groups of people waiting behind the barricade for the arrival, the rest of the area is free of people (just like how it is normally). the comparing photo instead showed the large group of elderly doing tai chi, kids playing in the playground. the word of that moment was "wayang" which is malay for putting up a show with people critisizing that singapore only know how to wayang.

while i wouldnt disagree with the fact that we did put up a show it seems, i am rather disappointed with how critical people are. who does not put up a show to impress? who doesnt tidy up the house before guests arrive? who doesnt spend more time dressing up for a first date? who doesnt alt+tab when the boss walk by your monitor?

"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her"


  1. like! very very true. great reflections. but still i thought it was quite hilarious, the photo...

    1. yea, i found it funny too.. i mean i have nothing against the wayang label either, its those people that commented as if they wouldnt have done similar things in relevant situations..
