
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the architect

with inception still in many people's mind, the age-long question about dreams surfaced again. not so much the things that happen in movies, but questions like "do people dream in colour or black and white?" or "what do dreams mean?". from what i hear, not many people can remember what they dreamt about with studies saying that 70% of dreams are forgotten the moment you wake up.

strangely, i am one of the rare few who seem to be able to remember their dreams, usually not all, but a lot more in detail than most people. so the dream that got me thinking this morning, is that in this dream, it seems like i have a good friend, who has features that belong to no one I know or met. Though most are forgotten, the vague memory of some of the features really make me wonder.. if i know nobody like that, how did my brain make it up? who is that architect that created that in my head??

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