
Monday, March 5, 2012

knight or knave?

my first encounter with the logic reasoning question with regards to knights and knaves happened in 2004, during my compulsory analytical skills module in university. the questions always revolve around the knight telling the truth and the knave telling lies, and one had to figure out which is which.

as much as i hate telling lies, i am a knave sometimes. i cant imagine a single person who had not lied before. i hate telling lies because part of me know it is wrong as represented in not just society but in God's view as well. the other part of me hates dealing with the guilt that will live with me for a good long time more as you all would have known by now.

so last friday, i discovered i made a mistake at work. a $40 mistake at work which is a very small amount compared to the millions of dollars some bankers lose with their mistakes. i could have easily not told anyone, and make some "changes" and cover up the mistake. not that i really analyzed my odds but i think i can possibly get away with it. some people will say, "come on.. it's only $40" which is true.

on the flip side, is it worth telling a lie or doing something wrong over such a small thing (not that I'm saying we can lie if it is a serious problem), but having to live with the guilt and possible consequences are just not worth it.

so i decided to put it off till today, and by this morning, before the typhoon-like weather struck outside, i have already made my decision to admit my mistake. now mind you, my superior is known to be quite short tempered, that sometimes, at the ripe old age of 29, i still feel like a primary school kid being scolded by a teacher, whimpering in fear. amy once said, "when i'm back at home with friends, i feel like at work i just pretend to be grown up...", i dont even think i get to pretend to be a grown up at work sometimes.. but anyway, so yes, i decided to walk into his cubicle (a total of 2 steps!), and told him what happened. turned out, he didnt even bat an eyelid, and acknowledge it without saying anything. my asst finance manager also didnt say much, and neither did my lady boss.

to think, i actually thought of putting me through guilt for nothing!

Exodus 23:1 says "Do not spread false reports." im thankful that God continues to teach, to keep me on track..

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