
Monday, January 28, 2013

PDL #14 - Distance apart

often, people ask me: if there is a God, how can He let such bad things happen?

it is very easy indeed to thank God and feel God's hands when everything goes well - thank God for my good results, for my promotion, for getting a girlfriend, for the huge bonus.. the list goes on. but when the bad things happen, suddenly, for many, God doesn't seems to be around.

indeed, i had a fair share of the bad things the past few years, and indeed, i couldn't help wondering where is God in all these, even though i know very well that He is. and indeed He is.

ironically, one of the example i always used to make sense of this come from a very controversial book. someday when you have children, would you allow them to learn to cycle even though you know very well they are going to hurt themselves through the process? (strangely, when i learned to cycle, i never fell before, all the way till the one time when i flew down the slope at ubin) when you stop supporting your kid, and allow him to cycle on his own, the distance between you and him gets further, but im sure your eyes were always on him, making sure he doesnt go onto the road, and ride straight into the drains.

God allows us to get into bad situations because the process of dealing with the pain and the disappointment will in one way or another, shape you to be a better version of yourself. He is never too far away, and He is always watching you.

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