
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

generations of cousins

it is looking at the new generation of young cousins then you realized how old one have become. with a can of coke in my hand, i sat on the couch looking upon the kids of my older cousins playing together, making so much noise, running around the house. i turned and look at my fellow cousins, the same thought just float into our minds. we were doing the same things 15 years ago!

the only two differences probably was that one, the kids all seem to like each other, unlike during my time, the majority of us dislike these two siblings-cousins of our's, from a snob family, who thinks that they are too good to be around us (the mum seems to have the same attitude too). of course, being kids, we make sure we made lives difficult for them, like hiding their toys and from what my aunt said yesterday, hurt them too.. though none of us can remember. secondly, the big difference is how much time they are spending with the parents' ipads and iphones.

i look at them and cant help but miss those days. where the only worries is making sure you finish your homework and not forgetting to bring your art class things or else you end up having clothes pegs clipped onto the ears by my cruel art teacher. a time when a scoop of ice cream or french fries will be enough to cheer me up. how i wish life is as easy now.

oh.. 100th post! quite a landmark i must say, quite surprised i reach it.

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