
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the beemers just continue to prove me right

yup, those drivers that think they own the whole world, those drivers of the bmws. a bunch of idiots who think that they are more important than everyone else. people who knows me may think im biased because of my family mercs but i must say i am not at all biased. in fact, i look out even more for bad mercs drivers, people that can spoil the reputation.

having done a branding project on bmws vs mercs, i know well what are people's perception of the two types. one is an rich uncle car, while the other is trendy, successful executive. i think many people are attracted by the latter, and for some reasons, people who can afford them are snobs, the bigger the car (7series), the bigger the snobs.

just today, while waiting for my bus to come outside my workplace, some dude decided to stop behing a car to wait for the valet, while half of the car's butt blocked the only other lane. obviously the valets are off parking the cars as no one approached the car to take over, and the driver seemed very please to wait, blocking off everyone else. if it wasnt for the horns that came after a reasonable 15-20seconds, im quite sure he will be quite happy to stay where he was.
so he finally move further up the road, and he happily stopped his car right in the middle of the bus bay! mind you, not near the front, or the rear of it. that's right.. right in the middle! and most singaporeans are considerate enough to know that they shouldnt be there, so they will stay in the car so that they can shift the car if a bus comes. no, not this brainless dude. he decide to come out of the car, and smoke with his buddies. a bus came and rather than moving the car, the pointed at this car, and the valet counter, and obviously made no attempt to move his car.

now, how do you picture this guy? haha.. nope, not some rich boss or suit up executie. a guy that if it wasnt for the singaporean car plate i would think was driving a malaysian car, gold chain round the neck, middle age, with friends that were dressed so gangstery and having tattoos everywhere.

despite being turned off by the lack of courtesy, i was secretly glad these people are driving a bmw, and continues to push me away from liking that brand.

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